Tag Archives: prayer

Wait, Talk and Pray…it will make you better

I think most people in ministry come to the crossroads wondering, “Is this really worth it?” This question comes into mind especially with Worship Pastors. “Why am I doing this…does it even really matter?” We can become preoccupied with tasks and to do lists. We can get overwhelmed producing week after week.

If you get to this point in ministry or in life…take a few moments and talk it out with someone you trust. I would suggest that it should not be your wife/husband, someone on staff with you or a volunteer in your ministry. Begin the conversation with someone who has a vested interest in your life…but not your church.

I say this because when you are first talking it out…you may say some pretty harsh things. Your emotions need a release and you may just need some perspective. I’m not saying you should never tell these people how you are feeling…but just be careful. They may love you unconditionally…but each of them has a vested interest in your leadership and none of them can truly be biased.

Sometimes, you just need a release and the ability to receive some guidance. It’s extremely important that you gain perspective and wisdom….because you could be wrong…or you might just need encouragement. It’s also important that you do not make any big decisions during this time…have the patience to wait, pray…and talk it through quite a bit. This time will pass and you may feel quite different a month from now.

If it comes time for you to leave your current ministry…there are a few things you need to remember:

  • Never leave without their blessing. You may have frustration in your heart, but it does no good to leave ANY situation behind without the blessing. You will enter into your next ministry or job with little to back you up…and most likely…you will have fewer friends.
  • Keep on smiling…and keep on walking out the door. Once you have made the decision to leave…be careful to stay too long and create tension. You have already agreed that this job, ministry, church is not the place for you…so strongly worded e-mails, letters or conversations will fall on deaf ears. In their mind…you have already left.
  • Approach church leadership before you begin to talk to your volunteer teams or other church staff. Church leadership may be the eldership…and they are there for a reason. Trust that God has placed them there for a reason.

Never make a decision under distress, always talk it out and always take plenty of time to pray about it. Hopefully, you can stick it out under stress…but if you come to the place where you need to leave…do so with grace.

Blessings. Jesse.